Site Down- Troubleshooting

Site Down- Troubleshooting

Live site down- (If multiple merchants contact us about down sites, our system is likely down.  Take information quickly and let them know we are escalating
the matter to engineering as urgent.   Create a master ticket and send to engineering as urgent.)

Is the account active?:
Verify site license. Check IDB- Is the account "Active?"  If it shows: Dunning, suspended, etc. refer to billing at (866) 734-6444 or transfer to ext.3007. 
      -If the account shows active and "billed" but is down, have them republish the site.
      -If publishing does not resolve issue, check to make sure backend is activated:

1) From IDB, go to customer account.
2) Click on "Licenses"
3) Right-click and edit license.
4) Make sure that "Front-End" is "On."  If it is not on, reach out to billing to have them enable this if necessary. Assign task to billing and mark priority high.

Check their Domains:

- Are the name servers pointed to and If not, have them update the name servers.  Name servers can take anywhere between 24-48 hours to propagate. They will do this through their registrar.  

-Is the domain associated with their license in IDB and is there Storefront hosting associated with the account?  If there are two checkmarks, they have Storefront hosting.  If not, they will need to upgrade in order to have a live site. Inform customer of hosting charge and assign task to Billing.

-Having a domain here does not guarantee that this is a valid domain or that it has been added to the builder. Double click to log into account
 and navigate to Site>More>Domains & Emails.  If there is no domain, walk them through adding their domain and then publish.

-If there is a domain in builder, verify name servers and have them publish again. 

Processor Not Working/Accepting Payment

It is rare that a processor stops working altogether.  If there are multiple merchants reporting issues, treat it as you would multiple merchant sites being down.

-Check order(s) that would not go through.  Look at "Fulfillment" and view transaction status.  If there is a response code, please have the customer contact their processor regarding the response codes.
-If there are no response codes, have them verify that the credentials for their processor are correct.  Do so by clicking on "More" under "Products Menu" then clicking on "Processors."  Double click on the processor to view the credentials.  We have no way of verifying any of the credentials, they will need to contact their processor.
-If the merchant is the one having an issue paying with PayPal and they see "PayPal does not accept payment in preview mode" even when on live site, have them place the order using a private browser or different browser.

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