How to create a form:
1) Under "Site" on left side of Builder
2) Select "Forms"
3) Click the "+" icon at the bottom
4) Name your form
*Here there are many different options you can select to make this form custom to your needs *
5) Under "Notification" type in your email, if you have multiple emails use commas to separate them within the "To" section
6) Select "Elements" tab on the right side of Builder
7) Click "+" icon at the bottom of the builder, here you can add questions, text, code
(if you need more detailed instructions on this area, please email me further details.)
8) Select "Confirmation" tab on the right side of Builder
9) Here you can add the "From" email and an automated message that will go to customer after they have completed your form
10)Select "Pages" tab on the right side of Builder
11) Here you can add additional pages to your Form
12) Select "Receipt" tab on the right side of Builder
13)Here you can add access the Header and Footer of your receipt page