How to add Shipping Method:
1. On left side, click "Price Sets"
2. On right side, locate "Shipping Methods"
3. Click "Add"
4. Choose shipping method and click "Add"
5. To save change, click "US" arrow on top left
How to add Shipping ordering rule to Shipping Methods:
1. On left side, click "Price Sets"
2. On right side, click "Ordering Rules"
3. On bottom left, click "+" icon and click "Standard"
4. Under "Options", name Shipping Price (i.e. "standard shipping")
5. Under "Conditions", right-click and click "Add Condition"
6. For Type, choose "Shipping Method"
7. Turn on Toggle for the shipping method created
8. Save changes by clicking "Standard" on top left
9. Under Calculations, right-click and choose "Add Calculations"
10. Here you can choose a calculation by range or percentage etc.
Once completed make sure to run test before publishing your changes.