1) Under "Products" menu on Left side of Builder
2) Select "Products"
3) Click on the Gear at the bottom right corner of the Builder
4) Click "Add Product", "Standard Product"
5) Here you will add a "SKU" and "Name" The name will appear at the top of the Product page, and will be used at the alt Tag for the main image of the product
6) On the Product Page, you can add the main product image, Description, and pricing
* Be sure to check each of the tabs on the Right Side to add additional images, categories, Meta Tags, or variations to your products*
Once you have completed adding your products, be sure to publish your changes.
How to Add Multiple Images to Products:
1) Under "Products" menu on Left side of Builder
2) Select "Products"
3) Double click on the Product you wish to add multiple images to
4) Click on the "Images" tab on the right side of Builder
5) Here you can add the Main image as well as the product icon
6) Scroll down and right click under "Image/type/Caption" and Select "Add"
7) Here you can add multiple images for 1 product. These images will appear smaller then the main image within the product page, and can be enlarged to the original size by clicking on them.
Make sure to publish after you have completed your changes.
Adding Product list or Category Product List to Page:
This can be done two ways with products in a product list element/category product list element. I am sending you instructions on how to complete either of these changes.
How to Add a Products List to your Site:
1) Under "Site" Menu, on the left side of the Builder
2) Select "Pages"
3) Select the Page you want the Product list added to
4) Click on the "Elements" tab on the Right side of Builder
5) Click on the "+" Symbol at the bottom of the Elements page
6) Hover over "Product" and Select "Product List"
7) Here you can Right click under "Product Name" and Select "Add"
8) Select all the products you want added to the Product list * you can use SHIFT to add multiple, or use CTRL to add each individually*
How to add a Products to a Category
1) Under "Products" on left side of Builder
2) Select "Products"
3) Click drop down arrow next to "All Categories"
4) Right click on the category and select "Edit Category"
5) Click on the "+" Button at the bottom of the Builder
6) Select all the products you want added to the category * you can use SHIFT to add multiple, or use CTRL to add each individually*
How to Add a Category Products List to your Site:
1) Under "Site" Menu, on the left side of the Builder
2) Select "Pages"
*If you want this Element to show on all pages, Select Backgrounds*
3) Select the Page *or Background* you want the Category Product list added to
4) Click on the "Elements" tab on the Right side of Builder
5) Click on the "+" Symbol at the bottom of the Elements page
6) Hover over "Product" and Select "Category Product"
7) Next to "Category" you can select your product category or categories from the drop down menu
Make sure to publish after you have completed your changes.