How to add Meta Tags to your Website Pages:
1) Under "Site" Menu on the left hand side of the Builder
2) Select "Pages"
3) Double Click on the page you want to add a Meta Tag to
4) Select "Meta" tab on right side of Builder
5) Under Title you can add the Title that will be shown on website searches as the Title of the page, usually linked in Blue in search engines such as Google. *We recommend not using any Symbols, Quotations, or coding within this window*
6) Click on the "+" Button on the bottom of the builder to create new Meta Tag
7)Within Meta Tag Select "Type" as "Name" and enter the "Name" of your Meta Tag. Examples would be Description, Keywords, Category, etc.
*We recommend not using any Symbols, Quotations, or coding within this window*
8) Under "Value" you can enter a short description that will show on search engine results as the description of your page.
Make sure to publish after completing your changes.
*Once you have made these changes, the search results may not show your meta information until the next time they crawl your website. We are not SEO experts and as web support agents, we can only inform you on where to place your Meta Tags*