How to Add additional shipping charge to selected category products Ordering rule:
1) Under "Products" menu, on the left hand side of your builder
2) Select "Price Sets"
3) Double click on "Ordering Rules"
4) Click on the "+" button at the bottom of page
5) Select "Standard"
6)Rename to same name as other shipping rule (should make it one charge on orders)
7)Click on the "+" and select "Add Condition"
8) Select from drop down menu "Product Category"
9) Select the Category/s you created
13)Go back by clicking on "Standard" button at the top of screen
14)Click on the "+" and select "Add Calculation"
15)Select from down down menu "Fixed Amount"
16)Enter your amount with "+" infront ex. "+10.00"
​Make sure to run a test order in preview mode before publishing to live site.