Broken Links and Redirects

Broken Links and Redirects

Broken Links:
Data in the Broken Links section of the builder can be generated any number of ways, including bots gathering statistical data for websites, users who type a path incorrectly into their browser, or back-links on other sites that are not set up correctly (note that even clicking on the URL in the Broken Links section will generate an entry. Also, entries may take several hours to appear).

The data you referenced shows requests for URLs that do not exist. For Example: All pages, regardless of any custom URLs, can be accessed with the path /page/CAPITAL-LETTERS. Any request for /page/lowercase-letters will return a 404 and show up in the Broken Links section. If you think these requests were generated by a link to your site, you may want to set up a redirect for that page.

Please know that an entry in the Broken Links section does not necessarily indicate a problem. We recommend you use a 3rd party service to track back-links, and check site integrity, and only use the Broken Links section for troubleshooting purposes.

More information about the Broken Links section can be found at
How to add redirects:
1)Under the "Site" Menu on the Left hand side of the builder
2) Select "More"
3) Scroll down to the bottom of the Builder
4) Click on "Redirects"
5)Click on the "+" button at the bottom of the Builder
6) Pop up window will appear "Add Redirect"
7) Complete the "From" Url with a broken link url and click "Add"
8) Here you will complete the "To" Url with a page within your site or another website address
​Make sure to publish after you have completed your changes.​

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